Casey Lartigue's fundraiser for TNKR

Casey님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 TNKR is my new life를 후원합니다

US$50,674 모금

모금활동 소개

Why do North Korean Refugees Join TNKR?

We have learned a lot in our 1:1 interviews and feedback sessions with refugees. We have identified five main categories of refugees who join us so they can study English.”

The categories of refugees and/or reasons why they joined included:

1) College students and those applying for college.
2) Refugees with established careers who want to improve business, professional and international opportunities.
3) Employers in South Korea expect English language proficiency.
4) Self-improvement and gaining independence, for example to travel.
5) Gaining public speaking skills in order to raise awareness about human rights abuses, discuss their escapes, and inform others about refugee issues.


Refugee Student Feedback about TNKR

TNKR students are regularly asked to assess TNKR’s program via interviews and surveys with TNKR staff. The following themes are evident in refugees’ feedback and are often shared with audiences at TNKR informational events:

1) One-to-one class ratio is more productive than group classes in private institutions.
a. The learning goals of each individual refugee is the focus of each session.
b. Refugees feel comfortable asking questions in one-on-one situations.

2) Refugees want volunteers to use English only (no Korean language use by volunteers).

3) Refugees experience a process of struggle that leads to real achievement.

4) Refugees report that volunteers are dedicated, responsible, patient, and prepared.

5) Refugees indicate gaining confidence in their English language abilities.

6) Refugees report gaining new experiences because of improved language abilities:
a. Opportunities to study abroad.
b. Ability to travel abroad.
c. Increased capacity to talk with native English speakers.
d. Increased opportunities to speak publically about life experiences.

Additional TNKR refugee testimonials are available online:

최근 후원자

  • Soong-Koo Han 4년 전
  • Inae 이인애 4년 전
  • Jon 4년 전
  • Abigail 4년 전
  • Katherine 4년 전
  • Courtney 4년 전

TNKR is my new life 소개


My Birthday is Feb 10th! 

The meaning of my birthday has changed, depending on my situation.

* Growing up: When I was young, my birthday was during the school vacation. I rarely met with friends on my birthday (No phone or email, especially for a country girl like myself). It was a special day for eating cake and receiving gifts from my family. I could feel love from my family on birthday.

* Becoming an adult, my birthday became a time to meet close friends. In some cases, we might only talk on each other's birthdays. We could find out: "Hey! You are still ALIVE!!!" I would then celebrate my birthday with family and friends.

* Now as the co-founder of FSI, my birthday is associated with Freedom Speakers International. Being the leader of this organization has changed me in so many ways, I can feel the warmth of the world around me. I have always been a shy person, I usually only talk to people who are really close to me. Because of FSI, I have been meeting people from around the world. I now celebrate my birthday for a good cause with family, friends, and colleagues and people around the world.

* With every birthday, I always appreciate my co-founder Casey Lartigue Jr. He is the person who encouraged me to be at the front (not just working behind the scenes) and inspires me to take practical action. It has made me a POSITIVE person.

NOW I am setting up a birthday fundraiser and telling people to DONATE to celebrate my birthday. A few years ago, I could not have imagined doing this kind of thing. Casey reminds me that he encouraged me many times to set up a fundraiser, but I hesitated. Finally, when I tried, I only asked me mother and sisters.

YES!! Please make a donation to this fundraiser and join a good cause to help FSI become a solid organization.

Thank you!


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