My next goal: English!

Kim님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 FSI's North Korean Refugee Keynote Speakers Network를 후원합니다

US$155 모금

모금활동 소개

Every step in my journey has helped my dreams come true.

Since I escaped to South Korea I have accomplished many of my goals, such as becoming an oriental medical doctor.

However, there is one goal that I have failed to reach. I haven’t learned how to speak English!

When I face situations where I need to speak English, I feel small and lose confidence.

I joined Teach North Korean Refugees (TNKR), but I was still focused on achieving other goals.

I am back to try again. I know from experience that it is not easy to learn English. I would like to thank Freedom Speakers International (FSI) for welcoming me back.

I look forward to the day that I can have confidence and won’t feel small when I encounter English.

* * *

Translated from Korean to English by Eunkoo Lee.
Edited by Casey Lartigue

최근 후원자

FSI's North Korean Refugee Keynote Speakers Network 소개

Eleven North Korean refugees have set up fundraisers supporting FSI. It is incredible because many of them had no concept of civil society before joining our organization. After studying with volunteers, many of them say they hope to volunteer one day.

Some of them even take that next step--fundraising for FSI!

Who are they? They include published authors, public speakers, human rights activists, YouTubers, and even a former doctor from North Korea.


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