General Fund

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General Fund

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총 모금활동 136개 중 1 - 32 표시
SFS Student FSI Club Ramen Day Fundraiser by Hee-Jin Jamie US$15337% 달성 OHANA - Wheaton College by Elliot US$350 모금 Freja's Fundraiser by Freja Boe US$1530% 달성 Hiking Bukhansan for NK refugees' education by Maddy US$45860% 달성 Fund TNKR by Jae Hwan US$3820% 달성 Emily’s Fundraiser by Emily US$15 모금 Fundraising for North Korean refugees by 김** US$3820% 달성 Jason's TNKR Fundraiser by Jason Bjarne US$3820% 달성 TNKR in the Time of COVID-19 by Michael US$7665% 달성 Lucy Baek and Selene Pan by Lucy Baek & Selene Pan US$10042% 달성 Giving North Korean Refugees a Voice by Sarah US$76437% 달성 Happy 79th Birthday, Eben Appleton by Eben V. US$80036% 달성 Canadian Support for N. Korean Refugees by Michael US$76445% 달성 Jackie's Birthday Fundraiser for TNKR by Jackie US$22967% 달성 Help North Korean Refugees by Patrick Joseph US$76115% 달성 Study Spaces for English Tutoring by Emma US$15390% 달성 Tutor North Korean refugees/Eat live octopus! by Sanne US$19137% 달성 Support North Korean Refugees Learn English by Jessica US$19146% 달성 $50 for 50 years (Eben) by Eben V. US$1,00015% 달성 Climb for North Korean Refugees by Bryce US$764111% 달성 Support North Korean Refugees & Human Rights by Stevie US$26729% 달성 TNKR Dream by Sarah Elizabeth US$3828% 달성 Help NK refugees succeed in their new life! by Claire US$15356% 달성 Help North Koreans learn English and shine! by Rina US$76186% 달성 Support Caoimhe's DMZ Half Marathon by Caoimhe US$1,52857% 달성 Celebrate Abigail’s Birthday with TNKR! by Abigail US$22920% 달성 Support Study Spaces for NK Refugees by Evan US$76117% 달성 Help empower NK refugees (Gayoung) by Gayoung (Kay) US$15323% 달성 Support TNKR! by Kate US$15376% 달성 Support Tuition for North Korean Refugees by Bethany US$7637% 달성 Teach North Korean Refugees (Chloe) by Chloe US$76148% 달성 Tutoring Support TNKR by Lauren US$76115% 달성 더 보기

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