Happy Birthday Austin Bae!

Jinseo님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 Happy Birthday FSI-GHSU Team을 후원합니다

US$152.83 남음
US$0 모금
US$1530% 달성

모금활동 소개

Hello, my name is Austin Bae, GSIS, Gyeonggi Suwon International School representative. It has been a great experience in this community and I hope to make more great memories in this community. A few days ago, August 19, was my birthday. I am extremely grateful to my parents and I am thankful to all those people who have been supporting me. I am extremely grateful to everyone.

If you want to congratulate my birthday, please consider donating. These donations will directly support North Korean refugees who need help. Although your donations might be a small amount, your donations can make a great impact. Thank you for spending your time reading this.

최근 후원자

공개적으로 후원된 금액이 없습니다.

Happy Birthday FSI-GHSU Team 소개

Happy Birthday FSI-GHSU Leadership TEAM!!

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