Happy Birthday FSI-GHSU Team

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The Freedom Speakers International- Global High School Union (FSI-GHSU) is a network of more than 100 high school students from more than 40 high schools in South Korea and abroad who volunteer in support of the non-profit organization FSI.

FSI-GHSU 국제학교/외국학교에 재학중인 고등학생들의 모임입니다. 2021 현재 100명이상의 멤버들이 활동하고 있으며, 학생들은 다양한 팀에서학교에서 FSI-GHSU 이름으로 참여하고 있습니다.  

Students have opportunities to develop leadership skills while making a real difference. Twenty-four students have taken up leadership positions as executives, team managers, and school representatives of FSI-GHSU chapters. In coordination with FSI’s co-presidents and the FSI-GHSU leadership team, student leaders develop yearly plans then mentor, guide, and lead other students volunteering.

득별히 24 학생들은 팀매니저로, 학교대표로, 그리고 임원진으로 함께하고 있습니다. 다음의 홈페이지에서 FSI-GHSU 활동 (TNKR Global High School Union (tnkrhsunion.org). 확인하실수 있습니다. 임명된 24명의 리더학생들은 공식인터뷰를 거쳐, 각자 구체적인 리더쉽계획을 제출하였습니다. 학생들은 이미 "2021 준비된 리더"로써 현재 멤버들을 위해 중요한 역할들을 담당할 것입니다.  

You can support these young leaders by supporting this fundraising project raising money for FSI. Students can set up individual fundraisers for this project which has the goal of supporting FSI to empower North Korean refugees seeking to engage in public speaking.

Students who set up successful fundraisers can receive signed copies of books by North Korean refugees who have studied in or partnered with FSI.

펀드레이징은 리더들이 참여하는 후원활동으로, 금액은 FSI 지속가능한기관으로 성장할 있도록 도움을 입니다. 또한, 생일을 맞는 리더들의 생일축하 펀드레이징은 FSI 참여하고 있는 탈북민들이 많은기회로 그들의 역량을 발휘하는데 기여할 것입니다. 그리고 펀드레이징에 참여한 리더들은 탈북민작가가 직접싸인한 책을 선물로 전달될 예정입니다

TNKR Global High School Union (tnkrhsunion.org) to join or find out more about what these excellent student leaders are doing to make a difference in the world.


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Freedom Speakers International

Freedom Speakers International (FSI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering North Korean refugees who seek to engage in public speaking. We have 501(c)3 tax-deductible status in the USA and equivalent status in South Korea.

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