Eric Price

Yanji China Team

Accepting Donations

Yanji China Mission


I have a great opportunity to be a field worker to Yanji, China. Many consider a fieldworker to be someone who gives up all the comforts of life and disappears into a remote jungle for 20 years. This trip is actually a short-term trip lasting from July 19 through July 26. It is just for little over the week, yet it has been 6 years since I have been back to the States. Many of you already know that I have been living in South Korea since 2009 so for some of you this trip may seem longer.

I will be going to Yanji, China with a team of great individuals from NamSeoul English Worship Service, NEWS for short. The purpose of our trip is the following:

1. We will work together as a team allowing God to work with us and grow closer together so that we may have a better perspective. God is working in everyone's lives preparing us for the trip. We gather together to learn more about God's purpose of missions and everyday we learn more about each other.

2. In China we will be helping a camp that is run by Reah International, an NGO that supports our neighbors. It is hosted at YUST. Many fieldworkers (no this is not a fancy name for farmers) come to Yanji during the camp with their kids. I have been looking for something to support ever since my issue with cancer two years ago. Before I was too weak to go and I did not find something that compelled me to go. I prayed and this trip to China seemed to match my skills and I believed that it was a good cause for more than one reason. This year our team consists of 6 people and we will have around twenty students. Before we go we need to raise 5,000,000 won (around $5,000 USD) to cover the expenses and to help subsidize airfare.The most import thing I request is that you pray for us and that the trip goes as smoothly as possible. Also please pray that the MERS virus scare does not interfere with our trip. If we raise more funds than necessary, we will find ways to bless our partners in the field. We accept cash, Korean bank transfers, and credit card transactions. Currently, I cannot offer a tax receipt but if you really need one, I will see what I can do.

Third, we want to bless the local university students in Yanji as well as others that may come. We are excited about what we will experience and pray that we can impact the area.

If you are interested in helping out in anyway, please click the "Eric has sent you a message" using The Good NEWS Fund link. If you received an email, click the "add to basket" button from the website. At this point you can change the amount to whatever you'd like. Making an account is easiest by logging in through Facebook. You will receive all the necessary information as you proceed.

For people in Korea to make it easier you can make a direct bank transfer to the following bank:

Hana Bank 366-910005-15005 홍대영 (NEWS FUND)


May God bless you and once again please continue praying for us and our trip.


Eric Price

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