Dae Hong

Yanji China Team

Accepting Donations

Empowering the future

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

This summer we are sending a team to Yanji, China to teach part of a TOEFL program at Yanbian University of Science and Technology (YUST). Our portion of the camp runs from 7/20-25. The students are comprised mostly of field worker kids (from our northern neighbor), Korean Chinese, and Chinese students. They are joining the camp primarily to help them study at universities abroad. We will be openly Christian volunteers at this camp. We are restricted from soliciting but if asked first, can openly share about our faith. All in all, this is an opportunity to share the love of God to those that need encouragement and to demonstrate the Gospel in word and action.

This camp is run by Reah International, an NGO that supports our northern neighbors. It is hosted at YUST. Many field workers come to Yanji during the school breaks with their kids. Our desire is to love and encourage these kids. Having many friends who grew up on the field, I understand the difficulties and struggles they face. For some reason, I'm accepted as one of them even though my parents didn't go to the field until after I'd graduated college. As such, I've witnessed how they've overcome these struggles and returned to make great Kingdom impacts. I know that through this team we are investing in the future. Through our small sacrifices, there will be a great reward. I'm also hopeful that this will just be the first of many such trips. As we continue to invest and build relationships, my hope is that this will open even more doors to directly impact China as well.

We currently have a team of 6 who will teach a camp for about 20 students. My goal is for our team to raise about 5,000,000 won ($5,000 USD) to cover expenses and to help subsidize airfare. I don't like raising funds for myself but gladly do so for my team. If we raise more funds than necessary, we will find a way to bless our partners in the field.

We accept cash, korean bank transfer, and credit card transactions. Currently, I cannot offer tax receipts but if you really really want it, I'll see what I can do.

More importantly, we need your prayer. If you cannot give but can commit to pray, I will gladly include you in our prayer updates in the future.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.



instructions - please click the "Dae has sent you a message using The Good NEWS Fund:" link if you received an email. then click the "add to basket" button from the website. you can change the amount to whatever you'd like. making an account is easiest by logging on through facebook. you will receive all the necessary information as you proceed.

for those in Korea that would like to circumvent registering on the website, the direct bank transfer information is:
Hana Bank 366-910005-15005 홍대영(NEWS FUND)

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